DeSales Park
For The Integral Formation Of The Person
Divine Providence has been good to us these past few months, and we are excited to announce that the Institute of Christ the King thanks to generous donors was able to purchase the large 4.9 acre vacant lot across the popular Dequindre Cut promenade, just east of our campus, also known as the original Joe Muer restaurant and parking lot.
After some negotiations, a positive response to our offer was received on the External Solemnity of the Sacred Heart, this past June. With the blessing of His Grace, Archbishop Allen Vigneron, and with the approval of our superiors, Monsignor Wach and Canon Talarico, the property will be placed under the exclusive administration of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest, which has been serving at the Shrine for the past 8 years and continues to foster the parish and its various ministries.
The I-375 Corridor Project currently underway and managed by MDOT, will definitely increase property value in the area, making any future opportunities such as this one extremely difficult, as the Project promises to generate better access to Eastern Market, better automobile and pedestrian mobility in the area, particularly around Gratiot Avenue, Eastern Market and the Dequindre Cut, with as you know, the Shrine at the very heart of these neighborhoods. With the help of Butzel Long Law, MBA Real Estate and generous benefactors, we established a Michigan Non-Profit Corporation, Desales Park, the best entity possible for the property and its future use, including of course, tax-exemption status.

The Institute of Christ the King assists in the administration of a dozen schools in Europe and Africa and it is our hope to one day see the same fruits here in the United States, providing families with an affordable, classical, and deeply Catholic school, for the transmission of our Faith, and the education of a student’s intelligence, will and affectivity, and manners.

Discussions with the city and the Archdiocese have been very positive, and all are very enthusiastic to see the area being revitalized thanks to the Shrine’s presence. After several meetings, we were able to keep Orleans Street closed, contrary to the city’s initial plan to reopen it; which would have presented many issues not only for our operations and traffic but also for our good neighbors.

In the heart of two of Detroit’s most popular attraction (Eastern Market and Dequindre Cut/Riverfront), and directly adjacent to the Shrine, this location is ideal, and truly an answer to many years of prayers as our current activities and groups are in dire need of more space in order to continue to grow.

Our multiphase project for the property in the long term will include a larger church hall, with the possibility to rent the hall for various events, more parking spots, a playground area, a multifunction building to host our current Wednesday Co-Op program which continues to grow (with now over 80 students), Catechism classes (approx. 90 students) music program & children’s choir (over 50 members), food pantry (providing to approx. 50 families weekly), a community garden and eventually our first Institute middle school, with a spirituality and pedagogy similar to our European schools, if such is the Will of God.

“The Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest is involved in schools with a view to harmony between culture and Christianity to promote the supernatural and human values of Christian civilization in accordance with its particular purpose: the diffusion and defense of the Kingdom of Our Lord Jesus Christ in all aspects of human life.”
Extract from the Institute School Charter
Our $2.75 million dollar offer was accepted, compared to the $3.5 million dollar initial price, and closing documents have been signed. We are currently soliciting donations for the fencing off of the entire property as well as for the developement of a Master Plan. The new fence will allow us to give a clear new identity to the place, as well as the possibility to rent the space for parking for events such as Lions games (9 home games this year!), Detroit Food Truck Festival, the Dequindre Cut’s many events and races, etc. Enthronement of a large statue of the Sacred Heart (already funded) on the property visible from afar and blessing our city, with a commemorative plaque for our early benefactors, as Our Lord promised us: I will bestow abundant blessings upon all their undertakings.